Italian Genealogy Page
Useful starting points for exploring your Italian heritage.  Since 1995.
The Italian Genealogy Forum
Just recieved an email from someone representing Miramax films and it seems they are releasing Emanuele Crialese's 2006 film Nuovomondo in the United States as Golden Door on May 25th, 2007.

This film as won a ton of awards and traces a Sicilian man's eventful journey to America.

Go see it, then talk about it in our new Films & Entertainment Forum.

General Genealogy

Family History Centers are going to impact your search - in a BIG way. Find out what they're all about and the one closest to you. (I found two that weren't on the list that were closer to my house - so call first)

The Genealogy Home Page is an excellent place to start your search. You'll find links to all sorts of resources.


Windows on Italy Is an "outstanding" reference source. Detailed maps and regional information is available.

The Yahoo list of all things Italian.

Italy Online isn't about genealogy, but they have a ton of information about places to see, lifestyles, cooking tours, villa rentals, great travel bargains and loads of practical information for the traveler.

Stay in touch with events in Italy with the Italian News Agency home page.

new.gif (147 bytes)Kathy Kirkpatrick's list of Sicilian Towns.  Some even have descriptions and photos!

Italian Home Pages

new.gif (147 bytes)Vince Cardinale has put together a good list of Italian/Sicilian sites.  You can also read the first chapter of his book: Life of My Life.

Steve Maggioncalda is just starting on his home page. He's got a lot more to come.

If nothing else you should take a look at The Italian Geneology Homepage.

The homepage of Agelo Grifasi is both in Italian and English and contains some great information about Sicilian history and law.

Camille Zanni and Bill Courson have put together PLANET ZANNI - "The story of an Italian Family in the New World". A good story with some nice information on how Italian names change over time.


Italian Genealogy

new.gif (147 bytes) Eilena Luzzi is putting together a website called All My Books that showcases her collection of books about Italy, books by Italian authors, English and Italian language cookbooks, history, religion, art, travel, vhs, cds, dvds, and more..also some wonderful photos of Italy throughout the site.

The Ustica Genealogy Homepage..."represents an ongoing effort to translate, record and link genealogic information for the families of Ustica, Italy, and their descendants in America."

D' is an amazing and well done site with links to over 50 databases.  I'm jealous!

If you've gotten this far you absolutely must take a look at the homepage of POINT (Pursuing Our Italian Names Together - get it?). POINT is "...a network of individuals who are interested in their Italian heritage or their Italian roots and are actively pursuing their Italian surnames and creating an Italian family tree." Wow! Just like you and me.

Discovering Your Italian Ancestors is a book by Lynn Nelson and looks to be a great resource - especially if you're just getting started.

Also be sure to check out the section on POINTers In E-Mail (or PIE). PIE is "an electronic mailing list devoted exclusively to Italian Genealogy and related cultural topics. It is an excellent resource for individuals conducting Italian genealogical research in the United States, Italy or other parts of the world.

Form letters that provide a rough guide on sending for information from the "old country". Compiled by the staff of the Family History Center.

The Sicily Book List offers some suggested reading. Mostly dictionary's right now.

Looking for some maps of Italy? The good people from the PIE mailing list have some suggestions.

Tracing Your Italian Ancestory is a good article for those new to Italian genealogy written by Tom Alciere. Used without permission.


Misc. Italian Things...

Do you know the name of the ship that your ancestors used for the journey from the old country?  If so, you can order a reproduction print of the advertising artwork from Kin-Ships.

Mamma's Cuccina by Ragu can be a lot of fun (don't talk with your mouth full!).

Learn Italian for travelers

The Italian Yellow Pages is an incredible resource - mostly companies, but you never know what you might find. Sometimes this site is down for long periods of time - beware! (In Italian).

Take a look at the University of Basilicata for some local insight. This page is in Italian.

new.gif (147 bytes)CILEA is the "Consorzio Interuniversitario Lombardo per 'lElaborazione Automatica".   As Laura Q. explains, "
CILEA is a consortium of University in Lombardy, Northen Italy providing information technology services (software, database etc) to diffferent market sectors such as hospitals, doctors, banks..."

The Università degli Studi di Salerno home page. In Italian.


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Note that this is an experiment and should be considered a work-in progress.  Let me know what you think.  If it goes well, there is no end to the different forums we can add.

Growing Up Italian


Other Stuff...

Questions, suggestions or comments? Let me know at: But, please, I don't do this for a living - don't ask me to find your great aunt from Palermo.

This page has been hit Hit Counter times since 13 January, 2001.

The old site had 74091 hits on 7 December, 1999 since 3 October, 1997.

This page updated: 29 October, 2004

By: Joe Caropepe

I'm looking for the following names - all from Sicily:


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