Univ. of Md. Library System Basic Sicilian-English Dictionary by Joseph Bellestri Ann Arbor, Mich, 1985 call no. PC1802.b45 U. of Md system Dizionario Siciliano-Italiano by Giuseppe Biundi (Bolgna) Forni (1977) reprint of the 1857 ed. U. of Colo at Boulder Dizionario Italiano-albanese by Fulvio Cordignano Bologna: Forni (1968) reprint pf the 1938 ed. published in Scutari U. of MD Ssytem Albanian-English and Eng-Albanian dictionary NY, F. Ungar Pub Co. (1957) by Nelo Drizari U. of MD System Vocabulario manuale completo siciliano-italiano corredato d'una breve grammatica per gli Italiani Palermo, F. e G. Carini, 1865
You might try looking in the library of the largest universities near you as a start. If you find the title that you're looking for perhaps the librarian can determine of it is available, i.e. in print. There are also book finding services that will locate a book and obtain it for you, but the price can be steep.
Tom Briggs - POINTer #1383 E-mail: briggs@clark.net Currently living in Bonn, Germany Researching in Messina and Palermo Provinces; and Bari. Briguglio - Perniciaro - Anjaldi - Anselmo - Arena - Bessi - Chetta - Cirella - Cucco - De Domenico - Ferrara - Fusco - Gebbia - Granatelli - Lampiasi - Lignante - Lomonte/Lo Monte - Lopez - Macaluso - Petta - Plescia - Ragona - Schillizzi - Siragusa - Spadola - Tornabene - Triola