R.I.P. Mason Caropepe
September 1993 – November 17, 2005 Feel free to share your goofy Mason memories by clicking on “comments” below. ...
September 1993 – November 17, 2005 Feel free to share your goofy Mason memories by clicking on “comments” below. ...
SEATTLE – In the middle of October Mason started showing signs of not being in remission for his lymphoma. He became lethargic and stopped eating (Not that he was ever “officially” in remission — it would have required a full course of expensive tests and the doctor suggested that we could tell almost as much ...
SEATTLE — Back in July of 2005 our dog Mason was diagnosed with Stage Vb Lymphoma. He is doing much better now and seems to be responding to his chemotherapy. It’s been an emotional ride and one I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Here is some of the technical information regarding his diagnosis and treatment. Diagnostic ...
SEATTLE – These are a collection of links that I’ve been finding useful in keeping tabs on what is going down in the Galvestion Bay area of Texas. KTRH (740 AM) is reporting that I-45 north (a.k.a, The North Freeway), is a standstill near IH-610, with all southbound lanes blocked from traffic, and unused. They ...
SEATTLE – The Weather Channel’s favorite danger guy, Jim Cantore is holed up in Seabrook, TX. Last night it looked like he was broadcasing from the corner of NASA Road 1 and Texas Highway 146, across the road from Tookies. I hope all of our friends, including Paolo & Denise, Robin, the Hayes’ family and ...
SEATTLE – More stuff from the Houston Chronicle Sept. 21, 2005, 6:09PM Pilots fly 9 of 40 vintage aircraft out of Galveston By HARVEY RICE Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle GALVESTON — Volunteer pilots from around Texas flew nine vintage aircraft out of harm’s way today, but 31 other planes had to be left at the ...
SEATTLE – I heard from Karen that both of her brother’s families are evacuating the Galvestion Bay area. Brian, Tamara, and Makayla live in Pearland, TX and are heading to Tamara’s family farm in Arkansas. Mark, Jennifer, Brandon, Avery & Chance, who also live near Pearland, are heading up to Ron & Kathy’s house on ...
SEATTLE – The Houston Chronicle has ongoing coverage, including a live NOAA Weather Radio feed. ...
SEATTLE – It’s 2:15 PM here on the west coast and I just got word from the National Hurricane Center that Hurricane Rita has been upgraded to a category 5 storm: 000 WTNT63 KNHC 211955 TCUAT3 HURRICANE RITA TROPICAL CYCLONE UPDATE NWS TPC/NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL 255 PM CDT WED SEP 21 2005 DATA ...
Image(43).jpg, originally uploaded by caropepe. ...