Respect the Role
Every role comes with responsibility.
When I see you aren’t taking care of your responsibilities I have a couple of options.
If I don’t respect your role, I’m free to tackle those responsibilities myself.
Sure it’s extra work for me, but – especially if we don’t value teamwork – I’ll look good in the eyes of my superiors, and maybe get a  promotion.
On the other hand, if I respect the role, and we value teamwork, and you involve me, I’ll do anything in my power to help you succeed.
Respect the role.
This post is notably *completely* independent of the business value derived from either option. You are focused only on relationships, roles, and the pre-cursors to the reason we work together in the first place – delivering value.
As a root-cause inspection – I think that is good.
But many people can only think in terms of “what does that do for me?”
So, I want to extrapolating just a bit to include the impact on delivering value.
In option one, value is probably delivered sooner.
But it will suffer from lack of scalability (unless you have a cloning/time machine), and a high opportunity cost (whatever you, the effective one, aren’t doing) – there are a host of other more long-term costs (burnout, silo’ing, resentment, etc)
In option two, business value is delivered later*.
That value will, by definition (teamwork) be more scalable, and over time* the value will be far greater because 1+ dedicated, respectful professionals will tend to deliver better overall solutions more consistently than one.
Sounds obvious, but I think you are right to note that this all starts with what you describe above.
Good post.
* This time span isn’t necessarily that long because dedicated people tend to deliver for EACH OTHER – but as you say it takes respect.
Good point about business value. I’m not addressing *what* get’s done, or how quickly it can be accomplished.
I’m only talking about *how* it gets done.