Joseph Caropepe A Journey

BMC Communities – Tutorial – BMC Atrium Orchestrator JMS Monitor Adapter with Apache ActiveMQ

07.26.2012 · Posted in Articles, BMC Remedy, Computers & Technology

I’ve just published an article over at the BMC Community site called: Tutorial – BMC Atrium Orchestrator JMS Monitor Adapter with Apache ActiveMQ, and you can find it here:

This came from from putting together a proof-of-concept using BMC Atrium Orchestrator (BAO) and Apache’s ActiveMQ that took entirely too long.

Why so long?

A couple of reasons.  First, all of the BMC documentation  for the JMS base adapter uses IBM’s WebSphere MQ for it’s example.  And while the concepts are the same for both WebSphere MQ and ActiveMQ, there are enough differences that the documentation isn’t directly applicable.

Next, while BAO isn’t new, using the JMS monitor adapter was new to me.  So there was a bit of a learning curve – including a lot of trial & error  to get it going.

Finally, XML is used to extract and transform the data coming from the message broker.  This meant digging deeper into both XPath & XSLT than I’ve had to in the past.

In the end I’m very satisfied, I’ve learned a lot, and see enormous potential.