Joseph Caropepe A Journey

Gnomedex 6.0: Steve Gillmor’s Attention Operating System

06.30.2006 · Posted in Computers & Technology

SEATTLE — Steve Gillmor announces a joint venture between and GesterBank called the Attention Operating System.
Users voluntarily track and contribute their online patterns (their “attention”) to the community. He argues that people already do this on Google and Yahoo as they capture our habits and patterns, keeping and using this data for their own benefit. This data, contributed by us users, he points out, is owned by the users and, as such, should be available for us to do as we please.

Information is looking for us, we’re not looking for information

Historically this information has been kept close to vest and very protected because it’s so valuable. This is a historical perpective, but is changing right now, right here.
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