Hell freezes over in Texas! Karen & Joe to wed!

January 6, 2000

AUSTIN, TX - After a 7 1/2 year courtship, Karen Hanson and Joe Caropepe would like to announce their engagement (to each other).

The Question was popped at the New Years Eve celebration in Austin, TX during Lyle Lovett's performance of She's No Lady, She's My Wife.

"I was really hoping that Lyle would play this song" Caropepe said. "If he didn't play it, my Plan B was to ask her at midnight. If midnight didn't come, I was going to bag the whole thing."

He continued, "Once the song was playing I felt sick."

Fortified with Ziegen Bock, Caropepe smoothly uttered those classic words, "…um…I think you should be my wife".

Hanson's initial response was, "Yeah, whatever…." and she continued to sing along with Lyle Lovett.

Caropepe was then able to extract the ring from his pocket - without dropping it down the bleachers - and present it to her.

"You know, I thought he was joking until he pulled out the ring" Hanson said. "Then I cried like a baby. He really caught me off guard." Hanson has no recollection of Lovett's next 3 songs.

Initial response from immediate family has been difficult to gauge, but generally runs along the lines of, "Congratulations. It's about damn time!"

True to form, the happy couple is not rushing the wedding. "We want to make sure all of our family and friends have enough time to make plans to be there - it's going to be a great party", Hanson said.

Tentative plans call for a wedding during October of 2001 in Austin, Texas.

Contact Information:

Karen Hanson & Joe Caropepe

Phone: 512-459-7760

Email: (Karen) & (Joe)

Web Site:

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