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Re: D'Elia - Contursi

Date: 16 Dec 2002
Time: 19:41:40
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Saw your message while looking for a picture of Contursi. I am tracing the Italian family of my nieces as a Christmas present. Their great-grandmother was Beatrice D'Elia who left Naples 23 March 1913 and arrived in New York 10 April 1913. Her mother is identified as Anna of Cortursi. She came to join her "Uncle Nicola Rizzo, 26 Passaic Ave. in Paterson, NJ" Beatrice was accompanied by Felilce Tula, 51 years old, married to Carmela of Contursi. He was going to meet his "Cousin V incenzo D'Errico" at the same address as Beatrice. Beatrice married Eustacchio D'Errico in Paterson on November 15, 1914 and they had 12 children. She died January 2, 1981 in Paterson. Her birth date is May 15, 1894. Her obituary lists a brother, Donato D'Elia in Italy. If there is any connection I'd love to hear from you. Jeanne Durney Waldwick, NJ

Last changed: December 16, 2002