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Re: Albert Ettore  Phillie,pa.  Boxer. My Uncle

Date: 18 Mar 2002
Time: 20:03:01
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During the summer of 1965 I worked at what was then the Chalfonte-Haddon Hall hotel. As I recall, your Uncle was a bartender in one of the service bars. I got to know him very well that summer and enjoyed his company immensly. He would show me differen't jabs and counter jabs from his rich boxing repetoire. I remember him as a big burly guy, not fat but, solid as a rock with a kind and gentle disposition. He was a friend of Justin Pollock, who had also done some boxing "in his day" What a nice and warm surprise it was to see his name pop up on my screen I would assume that he is no longer living. What can you tell me about him - post 1965?


Last changed: March 18, 2002