13 November 2001
AUSTIN - Here's a
great photo taken by Susan Bautista of Karen & Joe walking down the
isle of the church.

Thanks Susan!
Keep those pictures coming!
-Joe & Karen
7 November 2001
AUSTIN - Another set
of reception pictures courtesy of
Jon Anderson.
We really enjoy seeing the Big Event from another person's point of
view - kinda like "Being Jon Anderson"...

Barr Mansion. It'll do
for a party of our family & friends. Let's trash it!

Karen & Joe
arrived in a 1937
Cadillac Limousine. A very nice ride. Thanks for the
champagne Eugene!

Sam & Eugene
sharing a quiet moment.

Mike & Rose
sharing a quiet moment. And looking quite elegant we might add.
These people look too nice to be at a party thrown by us!

Karen enjoying a
quiet moment on one of the porches with a bottle of water as Rose
tries to sneak up on her.

Joe with two
glasses of wine in the yard of Barr Mansion. What can we say
about this one?
7 November 2001
What a great time!
This is the first
opportunity we've had to update this site so we decided to add some
pictures. These are from Joe's parent's (Sam & Bernadette).
We hope that you enjoy looking at them.

The weekend was
all about family & friends. Here, Joe is holding is nephew
Zachary. You can click
on any of these image to view them bigger.

On Friday, Joe,
the groomsmen and some friends went for a bike
ride. Here we see Joe's brother Chris trying not to pass
out. Bucky drinks water.

Here Joe & Jason
finish up the ride. Jason's leg was cramping up just before this
point and had to walk a bit (the seat post was too low). If you
look closely, you can see Joe's knees are bloody. He went over
the bars and smacked them both on some (hard) rocks. He's still
grinning though.

From left to
right, Avery, Makayla, Jessica, Jake and Brandon. We're not
sure, but we think that this picture was taken during the only time
they were all seated at the same time. It lasted for about 3

Joe & Gina at
Barr Mansion. This kind
of reminds us of the old pictures on the first day of school going to
Clarke. Except now, it's the first day of another stage of
Joe's life.

Jon & Rose
Anderson with Joe & Karen Caropepe (yes, it still feels odd to type it
THAT way). This is at Barr Mansion.

Joseph & Diana
Altwies with Jason Caropepe. His legs finally stopped cramping

Karen and Mike
Murphy dancing up a storm to the music of People's Choice at the Barr

The Caropepe boys
(Eugene is an honorary member). Scary, eh?

Joe & Karen with
our most special and distinguished guest, Joe's Grandmother. At
93 years old, the trip from Michigan wasn't exactly easy for her.
We are honored that she made the effort to be part of our
special weekend.

On our way out, we
noticed the swing hanging from a big live oak tree. Karen jumped
on and Joe helped. We think that Jason took this picture.

Mike, Bucky, Joe &
Eugene trying to read music very late at night. Amazingly, the
police didn't show up.
That's all that
we've scanned in thus far. If you have any great pictures that
you'd like to see added, send them to Joe at
15 October 2001
AUSTIN - Sorry for
not writing in a while. We've been just a little bit busy...
We've met with
Father Sean Horrigan (St.
Michaels - Houston, Tx) & Father Alan Oakes (St.
Austin - Austin, Tx) to finalize the ceremony. This included
making old & new testament and gospel readings as well as determining
our readers. We like our choices on all accounts.
Most of the RSVP's
have come back and have been sorted. A big THANK YOU to all who
responded. We have provided total guest numbers to the various
food and drink suppliers (not that we consider you dear reader, just a
We have worked
with the photographer to determine her timeline as well as getting a
list of the shots we'd like her to get.
The limousine has
been chosen and reserved. It's pretty unique and should be a ton
'o fun.
We met with the
wedding coordinator from Barr
Mansion and he not only has "Plan A", but an actual "Plan B" on
paper. We think he has a "Plan C", but it only exists in
his head.
Right now the
weather is
awesome - clear skies and lows in the 50s, highs in the 70s. We
almost wish it would rain now in order to remove the threat for the
27th. Ever wonder why we can't predict the weather any further out
than 5-7 days?
We've heard from
quite a few of you (phone calls, cards & email) and it seems everyone
is beginning to get a little fired up for our event. We
certainly are getting excited and very much look forward to seeing
Only 11 days, 15
hours, 24 minutes................
-Joe & Karen
26 September 2001
AUSTIN - We've been
getting email & phone calls from people who have received the
invitations so it sounds like the USPS
is doing their job. As a matter of fact, some people have even
sent back their RSVP's!
Reaction to the
invitation design has been overwhelmingly positive. Thanks to all for the kind words.
Joe has added a
new page describing the mountain bike ride
that he'll be leading on Friday, October 26th. It'll be Joe,
Karen's brother Brian (his new brother-in-law), and the groomsmen for
sure. Anyone else is welcome to come along on this intermediate
level ride. Just let
Joe know and be sure to contact the
Bicycle Sport Shop to
rent your bike.
-Joe & Karen
19 September 2001
AUSTIN - We managed
to send the invitations out today! There are a couple of
stragglers remaining, but the bulk of them were dropped off this
morning. Talk about a load off our minds!
The rehearsal
invitations will be going out in tomorrow's mail for those of you
involved (and you know who you are).
Now we just need
to complete the ceremony plans, decide on the dinner menu, order the
alcohol, etc, etc, etc...
-Joe & Karen
14 September 2001
AUSTIN - A few days
have now passed since the events leading to what
CNN is calling "America's New War".
Today Joe rode his bike down to the capitol here in Austin and watched as
Governor Rick Perry (and some State Troopers) raised a huge American
flag over the entrance.

The invitations
should be complete today or tomorrow and we are working our way
through addressing the envelopes. It's hard to get motivated.
Our thoughts and
prayers go out to the victims and their families.
-Joe & Karen
8 September 2001
AUSTIN - This past
week has been a busy one. We finalized the wording on the
invitations and they are now at the printer. They won't get
printed until sometime next week so we're working on addressing the
envelopes now (wanna help?).
On Sunday (Sept. 2nd)
we had brunch at the
Parlour. This is where we are having our casual Sunday
brunch the day after the wedding. They have a great gospel
brunch, with live music, open the public beginning at noon so you may
want to stick around a while.
On Friday (Sept.
7th) we had a food tasting dinner at the
Barr Mansion. The food
was great and the place dripped with charm. We just need to
decide what food we want. It should be a lot of fun.
-Joe & Karen
27 August 2001
AUSTIN - Been doing
some housekeeping work on the 'old web page. As you might have
noticed, there is now your basic generic navigation
bar across the top of this page. I felt that things were
getting a little too complicated and needed some order...
I have also added
some information about RV campgrounds down in the
Hotels & Camping section. Uncle Jim is bringing his motor
home and I know Sarah had asked Karen about this as well.
I don't know about
you, but I just noticed that the damn countdown
is now below 60 days and it freaked me out. Is it possible for
time to accelerate? Sometimes I just sit and watch the seconds
tick by until I get freaked out again...
That'll do it for
now. See you soon.
August 2001
AUSTIN - Okay, you
know that I'm a computer dork, but here's an example of just how much
of a dork I am: Groomsmen (and fathers) can now enter their tuxedo
measurements via an online form that I just
created. I figure that this will be easier than typing them in
to an email (yeah, right).
23 August 2001
AUSTIN - I've been
working on a map of our area. This is the one that will be
included in the invitations (which, by the way, are scheduled to be
printed in a week or so).
Use our new
discussion board to let me
know what you think.
Talk to you soon.
16 August 2001
AUSTIN - Today we met
with the music coordinator at
St. Austin Catholic Church.
We talked about the various bits of music that we'll be using for the
ceremony - including the processional and recessional.
We came away from
this meeting with a better understanding of what to expect during our
ceremony/mass. He had some great (non-traditional) ideas that
we'll probably use.
Things are
starting to come a bit faster now that we're down to 71 days (or so).
I imagine that we'll be posting a bit more often from here on out...
Thanks for
Joe & Karen
8 August 2001
- AUSTIN - Well I think I've got the discussion board working. As I mentioned in
my welcome message, this could be a great place for all of you coming to Austin to share
ideas & information.
It should be pretty self explanatory, but please let me
know if you have any questions or problems.
- Have fun!
1 August 2001
AUSTIN - The rings have been picked out and
ordered. We are going with platinum to match Karen's engagement ring. It seems
like it took forever to find a jeweler who would answer our questions and return our
calls. Is it too much to expect good service?
- We also have a design picked out for our invitation.
It's something that Karen and a friend put together. It's quite original and
I like it. We're working on the words now and should have them ordered pretty soon
as well.
I've been working on the alcohol requirements and maps
(guy things).
10 May 2001
- AUSTIN - Another wedding milestone has passed. Last
weekend (May 5 & 6th) we attended the Catholic Church's Engaged Encounter weekend. It was held in Belton, TX
and took place on Friday evening, all day Saturday and ended on Sunday afternoon.
The format consisted of a series of presentations about individual topics. These topics
included such things as how we feel about ourselves as individuals, as a couple, how we
communicate with each other, our morality, how we make decisions together, sex and
sexuality, and of course, the Catholic
faith and God.
After each discussion we were separated (boys & girls) and spent about 15 minutes
answering a series of questions. We then located our partner, read each others answer, and
discussed the topic and our feelings.
Needless to say, it was a very emotionally draining weekend, but it was very productive
and eye-opening.
As a side note, there were a bunch of college-age kids (22 - 25 year olds) who are in
the middle of finals, preparing for graduation and are getting married in 3 weeks. I don't
know how they are able to do it. I am very glad that Karen & I took the time to enjoy
our wedding preparation (although time is now beginning to fly!).
That's it for now. We'll see you soon.
9 April 2001
- AUSTIN - Big news! Karen was able to drop most of
the "save-the-date" cards at the post office on Saturday, April 7th. The
ones that didn't go out on Saturday will be going out this week (once we verify the
address information).
Keep your eyes open for a big, brown envelope from
Austin, TX.
For those of you who just can't wait, here is a sneak peek.
2 March 2001
AUSTIN - Get ready for our first mailing! In the
next couple of weeks we'll be sending out a "Save the date" letter.
From what I can tell, this is a pre-invitation,
invitation. It basically says "here is the date, mark it on your calendar, make
those travel plans and keep an eye open for the actual invitation coming in the mail in a
few months"
We are also working on putting together a list of
recommended (by us) lodging in Austin. We are hoping to provide a nice range of
prices all in the same geographic area. In the mean time you can take a look at the City
Search Hotel Listing for downtown Austin.
- -Joe
4 June 2000: We now have a date and a reception
AUSTIN - The wedding date is Saturday, October 27, 2001. Note that
this is the weekend that we "fall back" from daylight savings time and get an extra hour of
sleep (which we'll all enjoy). Also, the average temperature in October is 72.1 degrees F - which sure beats the 95
- 100 we see during the summer (Chicago, by the way
has an average October temperature of 52.8 degrees F).
The reception will be held at a place about 10 minutes from
our house called Barr Mansion. It is very
cool and looks to be a good place to throw the biggest party of our life. Click on
the link or picture and take a look.