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Date: 23 Nov 2002
Time: 01:06:26
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First of all, we never called macaroni (pasta), It is always Macaroni and sauce is always and forever called Gravy.My Grandmother is the head of the family, and she is the most beautiful and wise person I know , and always has a story or a saying for everything.You can always tell the Italian children apart from the others because , they were the ones always dressed up and clean without a drop of dirt or boogies running down thier noses , and thier parents never had new clothes on thier back.My mother always had the shoe polish at hand so we never had scuff marks on our shoes.My mother would always throw a bucket of soapy water down the steps and srub them till the cement cracked ,and our windows always gleamed.Gravy from a jar was a big no no in my family, and if would dare to suggest sugar in it you would get your hands torn off lol.My mother always says you can never put enough cheese in your meatballs.There is no such thing as too much cheese or garlic, it is in our pores.Well, I will leave you with this,there are two kinds of people in the world,Italians , and those who wish they were.

Last changed: November 23, 2002